The Sun: a female word...

Ingemar Nordgren ingemar at NORDGREN.SE
Wed Jan 28 00:13:21 UTC 2009

Hi Ernesto,

Funny you should post this connection. Two months ago I visited Spain
and made some research with aid of among else an female archaeology
professor in Barcelona. It was mostly in Catalonia but I had use also
for more material and hence  I also came across  among else just these
very   images and other in this church. Their meaning however, as I
understand them, is rather Arian which is, of course, close to
pre-Christian.The moon goddess was vital for the Goths in the old
religion and the Christian Mary is just another representation of a
moon goddess via Isis and Harpokrates in the Serapion cult. The sun in
this  case is God - remember the birthday of Christ is the birthday of
Sol Invictus, the emperor, the birthday of Mithras. The moon in the
shape of the lying crescent appears later as sign for the Madonna on
the Crescent just in the former Visigothic areas. Hence that picture
represents Mary. There are as well a number of rude peacocks who
together with the tree of life also represent Mary. I reckon the
church was sacred to her. I have been working on an article about a
Swedish rune stone that is just being printed and will be published
within a week or so, and in that one I have extensively  treated the
Mary symbolism and specially so in connection with Theoderic the
Great. It will appear in the Swedish magazine "Historieforum-Tidskrift
för historisk debatt" nr.2, and it is equipped with an extensive
English summary. Books and magazines from this publisher may be
ordered at Until publishing I can not reveal
more about the content but to mention the theme that is very early
Christinaity in Sweden.


--- In gothic-l at, Ernesto Garcia <theudimer at ...> wrote:
> There is a very intersting a link:
> This is a religous construction made by visigohts in Spain, late in
680-690. In thin time, they were catholic, and draws attention, put 
sun and  moon in a church.
> because the Councils of Toledo had warned about the survival of
paganism in people, I dont undertand why are there the two symbols par
excellence of ancient paganism in a church.
> sun is feminine and  moon, male,to the Goths until such time as the
late seventh century, and I think we've got reason to believe that 
Wulfilas changed the Bible at his convenience. linguistic science here
does not help us in anthropology
> And another question: paganism might not have disappeared among the
population goth.    
> Regards
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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