The name Jordanes

Andreas Schwarcz andreas.schwarcz at UNIVIE.AC.AT
Tue Oct 26 22:27:45 UTC 2010

Jordanes is the Greek name of the river Jordan and 
the author of the Getica bore it because he was a 
cleric who lived in Constantinople. 

Best regards,
          Andreas Schwarcz

On 26 Oct 2010 at 21:36, â-< wrote:

> Does some one know about the name Jordanes and the origin of that?
> I figure it could be derived from Jordan the river or some germanic name.
> Wikipedia gives the alternativ name form Jornandes which makes one think about the spanish name 
> Fernandez in which the last part should be gothic nanths. Could this be the case in the name of Jordanes too?
> Another thought is that the name is cognate to the swedish name Jordan.
> says it is made from the same parts as Jorund and Halvdan. This means the last part is the 
> same as the national term dane (danish).
> The first part is unknown to me but I guess it could be 'horse' but maybe not.
> What do you know and think?

ao.Univ.Prof.Dr.Andreas Schwarcz
Institut für österreichische  Geschichtsforschung
Universität Wien
Dr.Karl Lueger-Ring 1
A 1010 Wien
Fax 0043/1/42-77-92-72
andreas.schwarcz at
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