Translating Shakespeare

anheropl0x at GMAIL.COM anheropl0x at GMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 27 02:43:51 UTC 2013

Again, thanks a lot! I am moving on to a clue other lines and am curious what you might think. I've been using the verb usbidan for wish, and I'm not sure which case it should govern. Either accusative or genitive (like luston). Also, what would a word like aljis govern? Basically, would you agree with "usbiþ ni aljis mans", "usbiþ ni us Aggilalanda man's." There is also the case of would. I wonder if I should simply use the preterite subjunctive of wiljan. The sentence is "I would not lose so great an honor as one man more methinks wold share from me for the best hope I have." Any thoughts?
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