[gothic-l] Reconstructing the Gothic Bible and Liturgies

Dicentis a roellingua@gmail.com [gothic-l] gothic-l at yahoogroups.com
Tue Dec 23 21:56:01 UTC 2014

So what do you recommend Marja? Should we develop a Gothic liturgy first,
based on what's left of the ancient tradition, and look which churches
offer space? Most churches nowadays are empty and actually often get used
for non-religious purposes. I think that there have to be churches which,
in exchange for a certain amount of money, would like to offer us their
space for some services. I read here: "If we’re tryng to develop a Gothic
liturgy for an existing church", I don't think that anyone of us is capable
of actually building a church. I recommend that we indeed use an existing
church, because we can't pay it to build a church somewhere for our
purpose. We can either use an ancient place which the Goths used, but as
our members are divided over Middle- and Northern Europe and some are in
America, this would make it highly problematic to even organize Church
services which everyone can attend, because it's not practical for some
people in Sweden with interest, one from the Netherlands, someone from
Austria etc. to go to Southern Europe regularly for this. I recommend that
we either look for a way to implent these services in different parts of
both America and Europe if we really want to go on with this plan, which at
the moment is unrealistic, or that we choose a central place, one in Europe
and one in America to do this. Why Europe and America? Because these are
the 2 continents where the contributors of our Gothic community come from.

2014-12-23 20:02 GMT+01:00 Marja Erwin marja-e at riseup.net [gothic-l] <
gothic-l at yahoogroups.com>:

> I think that’s putting the cart before the horse here.
> If we’re trying to reconstruct the original liturgies, we ought to get all
> the help we can, but accept that the reconstructed liturgies might not be
> acceptable for any existing church, includng the Arian church.
> (I think Arius supported the homoiousios, while some interpretations of
> the Skeireins condemn the homoiousios.)
> If we’re tryng to develop a Gothic liturgy for an existing church, or set
> of churches, that poses different challenges.
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