Visigothic Arian Apostles' Creed [gothic-l] gothic-l at YAHOOGROUPS.COM
Thu Jun 5 16:46:04 UTC 2014

> That said, a better choice might be the creed of Auxentius, one of the creeds of the councils such as the creed of Constantinople of 360, or one of the creeds opponents of Nicaea cited as traditional creeds.
 I am using a variant of the creed of Auxentius (Ulfilas) as part of the Arian homily in the novel.  The creed of Constantinople was created in response to Arianism, so I am using it for the Catholic Priests.  I used the creeds that opponents of Nicaea cited as traditional creeds as the basis for my created creed.
 I then made the derived creed seem more Gothic by using English words that are of Germanic origin when possible.  
 For example, the traditional creeds use Holy Spirit [ From Middle English spirit, from Old French espirit (“spirit”), from Latin spīritus (“breath; spirit”) ]. 
 I used Holy Ghost [ From Middle English gost, gast, from Old English gāst (“breath, soul, spirit, ghost, being”), from Proto-Germanic *gaistaz (“ghost, spirit”) ].

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