Call for papers: ARCLING II conference (Australian indigenous languages) -- DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS 02/15/02

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Thu Dec 6 21:33:23 UTC 2001

The Second Conference on the Archaeology and Linguistics of Australia

National Museum of Australia and Australian Institute of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Studies

Canberra, 1-4 October 2002

The last decade has advanced our knowledge of Australian indigenous
languages and the archaeological record, and has also seen an upsurge
in hypotheses and controversies in prehistory, including linguistic
prehistory. The time is ripe to assess the discoveries and theories,
and to provide a forum for cross-fertilization between Australian and
world prehistory; and between the different disciplines which
contribute to our overall understanding of prehistory. ARCLING II has
been planned for 2002 to bring together archaeologists, linguists and
others to record progress made and map out the challenges we now face.

The first ARCLING conference was held in Darwin in 1991, bringing
together leading archaeologists, linguists and anthropologists from
Australia and overseas to share ideas and build foundations for an
interdisciplinary approach to the prehistory of Australia, drawing on
international work of a similar kind. This resulted in the publication
of Archaeology and Linguistics: Aboriginal Australia in Global
Perspective edited by Patrick McConvell and Nicholas Evans, published
by Oxford University Press. We call for proposals for papers for
ARCLING II: see below for details.

Contact: Dr. Patrick McConvell, Convener, Planning Committee
Email: patrick.mcconvell at phone: +61-2-62461116; fax

Conference Organisation
The conference will be divided into seven thematic sessions (see
'Conference Topics' below) and at least one session for other papers
not falling into session themes. The thematic sessions will include
invited speakers. The conference will last 4 days (Tuesday-Friday,
9-5) with four sessions a day of 90 minutes each. Each of the topics
will take up roughly two sessions. About 100-120 people will attend
and it will be held without parallel sessions in a single theatre with
rooms nearby for smaller meetings , receptions,book displays as
necessary. 7 keynote papers of 45 minutes (30 minutes + 15
questions/discussion) will be invited (one for each session).  Another
18 papers of 30 minutes (20 minutes+ 10) will be selected from
abstracts submitted, and distributed between sessions.

Submission of Abstracts
If you wish to give a paper, please send a title and abstract to
Patrick McConvell by 15 February 2002.  This should be a Word or RTF
attachment to an email message of between 200 and 500 words. In the
message, you may optionally specify if you wish the talk to be part of
any of the thematic sessions (topics) already identified, and any
equipment you will need for presentation.  Notification of acceptance
of papers will take place in March 2002.  Abstracts of all papers
invited or accepted will be available on the conference web-site from
March 2002, and full papers by September 2002.  Papers will be 8000
words long maximum.

Registration will be A$220 if paid before March 1 2002 and A$275 after
that date.  We plan to have on-line registration available in January

Check the conference website for accommodation details from December
19 2001.In the interim, see the AIATSIS conference accommodation
details ( and the
accommodation information for the September 2001 ALS meeting

The new National Museum and AIATSIS buildings overlook Lake Burley
Griffin in the centre of Canberra. Meals and refreshments are
available throughout the day at the National Museum, and the
Australian National University campus is close by. The ACTION bus
Route 34 which serves the Museum also goes through the ANU campus
(including University House) and the University of Canberra, and to
Canberra City and the National Library.  For information about
Canberra: and

Conference theme: "Echoes of ancient footsteps: archaeological and
linguistic evidence in Australian culture history" The conference aims
to identify signatures of migration and language shift in prehistoric
language speads, especially among hunter-gatherers in Australia, and
refine methods of constructing stratigraphy and chronology, by
combining evidence of proto-cultures and culture contact from
archeology, linguistics and other branches of anthropology.

Conference Topics
1: Methods and models in interdisciplinary prehistory
2: Language spread among Hunter-gatherers
3: Perspectives from genetics and biological anthropology
4: Hunter-gatherers: spreads in the interior
5: Coasts, islands and the peopling of the Sahul periphery
6: Artifacts: Technology and terminology
7: Stories, places and names: Indigenous landscapes and views of the

For further details see

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