Call for papers: International Association for World Englishes (colloquia topics include impact of English on indigenous languages) -- DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS 1 APRIL

Scott McGinnis smcginnis at
Mon Jan 28 14:25:57 UTC 2002


The Ninth Annual Meeting of the International Association for World
Englishes (IAWE) will be held at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, 17-20 October, 2002.

We invite abstracts of 20-minute papers and 3 hour colloquia on all
aspects of World Englishes, including: 

Grammatical descriptions of world Englishes
Discourse Strategies
Genre Analysis
Second/Foreign Language Acquisition/Pedagogy
Evaluation, testing, and intelligibility
Code-switching. mixing,and  borrowing
Power, ideology, and identity
Planning and politics
Attrition: Impact/influence of English on the structures
 of indigenous languages
English in media and advertising                       

Abstract Deadline: 1 April, 2002.
Length of abstract of individual papers: 400 words
Colloquium abstracts: 500 words + individual abstracts

Send 7 copies of abstract on/before the deadline to:

Rakesh M. Bhatt
Department of Linguistics
University of Illinois
4088 FLB, 707 S. Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801

For inquiries, email: rbhatt at

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