FYI: Persian language website

sm167 Scott_G_McGINNIS at
Sun Apr 17 03:35:00 UTC 2005

Did you know that in America, it takes 3 generations for an immigrant
community to lose its heritage language?  That means that many Iranians
in America who are second generation don't speak Persian (a.k.a. Farsi)
very well and their children who are third generation are going to lose
it altogether.  Unless the community puts a lot of effort into coming
up with ways to make the language relevant, and more importantly,
enjoyable, its use in America will fade away.

To fight this, I have started an organization that promotes the
language and comes up with games to make Persian fun and a regular,
visible, physically interactive part of the Iranian household.  My site

Take a look at the site!  And spread the word to help in our mission to keep
the Persian language vital in America.

Rezwan Razani
rezbong at

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