[HERITAGE-LIST] FOLLOW-UP TO: FYI: Op-ed piece on State of Maryland Task Force on the Preservation of Heritage Language Skills - copy of legislation available

Scott G. McGINNIS smcginni at UMD.EDU
Tue Jun 24 15:45:26 UTC 2008

With thanks to Catherine Ingold of NFLC, and Susan Spinnato of the State of Maryland Department of Education, I have available a copy of the legislation as it was signed.

As Catherine notes:

"While the bill doesn’t fund anything really, I think it’s a pretty good model for states that wish to affirm the value of their heritage languages. Your posting...to the heritage listserv made me think it might be good to disseminate."

I am not attaching the bill to this e-mail, as I know many people are (justifiably!) leery of receiving e-mail with attachments -- but if you'd like a copy of it, let me know and I'll pass it on (btw, I can probably respond to you more quickly if you send your request to my DLI-W e-mail address -- scott.mcginnis at us.army.mil).

Best to all,


Scott McGinnis
Academic Advisor & Professor

Defense Language Institute, 
  Washington Office
201 12th Street S., Suite 507
Arlington, VA 22202-4306
phone:  703-604-0464  fax:  703-604-0466
e-mail: smcginni at umd.edu OR Scott.McGinnis at us.army.mil

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