REMINDER - XVII International Congress of Linguists 2003 in Prague

cil17 at cil17 at
Fri Jun 20 12:40:36 UTC 2003

----------------------------Original message----------------------------


        XVII International Congress of Linguists
                Prague, Czech Republic
                  July 24-29, 2003

    Organized by Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
             Charles University in Prague
         Center for Computational Linguistics
     Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics

                 in cooperation with
   Institute of Czech Language Academy of Sciences,
                   Czech Republic

                Under the auspices of
     Comité International Permanent des Linguistes


XVII International Congress of Linguists 2003 in Prague

On July 24 - 29, 2003, Prague will host the XVII International Congress of
Linguists (CIL).

The Congress is organized by the Centre for Computational Linguistics and
the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of
Matematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, in cooperation with
the Institute of Czech Language, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic,
under the auspices of the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes
(CIPL) and with the patronage of The Mayor of the City of Prague, The
Rector of the Charles University and The President of the Academy of
Sciences. The President of the Congress is Prof. František Daneš, the
Chairman of he Scientific Committee is Prof. Ferenc Kiefer and the
Chairperson of the Local Arrangement Committee is Prof. Eva Hajičová.

There will be four plenary sessions, each with two invited speakers:
1. Typology (Prof. A. Aikhenvald and Prof. P. Sgall),
2. Endangered languages (Prof. T. Tsunoda and Prof. D. Whalen),
3. Methodology of linguistics (Prof. E. Bach and Prof. S. Poplack),
4. Language and the mind (Prof. W. Klein and Prof. M. Tomasello).

There will be ten parallel sessions focused on the following topics:
language planning,
languages in contact,
comparative linguistics,
computer service and linguistics,
language and field work,
techniques for language description,
syntax and morphology,
phonetics and phonology,

The final list of accepted papers, posters and workshop contributions, as
well as all necessary information for registration, can be found on the
Congress web page

Centre for Computational Linguistics MFF UK, c/o Mrs Anna Kotěšovcová,
Malostranské nám. 25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic, e-mail
cil17 at,
fax ++420-2-2191 4304).

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