The Domain of Phrase Structure

Stephen Nightingale night at
Thu Mar 18 16:33:20 UTC 1999

Dear HPSG'ers,

Can anyone tell me why it is that the use of Phrase Structure
rules is limited strictly to the domain of syntax,
rather than having, for instance, PS rules which work at the
lexical semantics level?  Are there any references to
linguistic (and computational linguistic) models which argue
that particular operations are limited to particular domains
such as morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics?



| Stephen Nightingale,           |E-mail: night at       |
| University of Edinburgh,       |Phone: +44 131 650-6660           |
| Department of Linguistics,     |WWW: |
| George Square, EDINBURGH       |                                  |
| EH8 9LL  SCOTLAND              |                                  |

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