ARG-ST as a head feature

Karel Oliva oliva at
Sat Jan 20 11:31:24 UTC 2001

(Carl on ARG-ST as a head feature)

>The locality argument against doing this is not very
>persuasive, since the existing feature geometries already allow
>selection for things that are never selected for (e.g. parts of
>CONTENT such as QUANTS, having a certain MOD value, etc.).

Just for the completeness sake:

The full truth seems to me to be that

EITHER locality is not a very persuasive argument

OR apart from ARG-ST being a head feature, locality is an argument also
against the existing feature geometries (i.e. against the  current
formalization of feature structures, since "selection for things that are
never selected for" is  *enforced*  (not only "allowed", as Carl puts it)
by this formalization rather than linguistic facts - in fact these facts
call for "NOT selection for things that are never selected")



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