
Georgia g-green at
Wed Jan 28 15:07:25 UTC 2004

You are right that P&S 1994 do not provide a lot of detail. I have discussed
the modelling of pragmatic information in a couple of articles:

Green, Georgia M.  The structure of CONTEXT: The representation of pragmatic
restrictions in HPSG. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the Formal
Linguistics Society of Mid-America, edited by James H. Yoon. Studies in the
Linguistic Sciences 24: 215-232, 1994.

Green, Georgia M. The nature of pragmatic information. Grammatical
interfaces in HPSG, edited by R. Cann, C. Grover, and P. Miller, 113-138.
Stanford: CSLI Publications, 2000.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: <jp.soehn at>
To: <hpsg-l at lists.Stanford.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:06 AM
Subject: Context

> Hi,
> I am doing research on selectional restrictions and their modelling in
> I favor a pragmatical approach for selectional restrictions and I want to
put the relevant information into the CONTEXT.
> As Pollard & Sag (1994) are not very precise about the CONTEXT, my
question is whether somebody has proposed a more concrete feature geometry
or whether there are some proposals of other phenomena treated formally with
CONTEXT features.
> Thanks for help!
> --
> Regards / Grüße / A bientôt
> Jan-Philipp Söhn
> Office Mail: jp.soehn at
> Home Mail: jp at
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