Phrasal affixes

Berthold Crysmann crysmann at
Wed Jun 30 11:15:07 UTC 2004

Borsley R D wrote:

>Thanks. I did more or less read the thesis some time ago. I'm told though
>that edge inflections are not quite the same thing as phrasal affixes.
Dear Bob,

as far as I'm aware there is currently no proposal of *Andersonian*
phrasal affixation in HPSG. Jesse Tseng has suggested some way of
integrating the Miller/Halpern approach into HPSG.

Edge inflection appears to be the more restrictive variant of phrasal
affixation: it is very precise about the locus of morphology
(terminals). Furthermore, properties to be expressed  peripherally in a
phrase must be indeed phrasal properties.  Also trigger feature
percolation is highly restricted.

Andersonian phrasal affixation can be thought of as a morphological
process directly targetting phrases.

There is a  discussion which may shed some light on the distinction: in
my 2002 thesis, I show that the Miller/Halpern variant cannot
satisfactorily address the issue of European Portuguese clitics taking
wide scope over a coodination of hosts or host VPs.
Luis & Sadler and Luis & Spencer argue that  this issue can be overcome
if an Andersonian variant is adopted. See, however, the slides from my
Vienna 2004 presentation ( ;
the link is somewhere at the bottom of the page) for detailed criticism
of that proposal.



>This matters to me because Welsh has certain 'clitics' which I don't think
>can be edge inflections bt might be phrasal affixes as I understsnd the
>notion (which is not very well).
>On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Philip Miller wrote:
>>A 15:33 29/06/2004 +0100, Borsley R D a écrit :
>>>Does anyone know of any HPSG work employing Anderson's notion of a phrasal
>>Dear Bob,
>>My PhD thesis (Clitics and Constituents in Phrase Structure Grammar, 1992,
>>Garland, New York, out of print, but there is a downloadable version at
>>, and I can send a
>>printed copy if needed) proposed a formalization of phrasal affixes in
>>terms of something I called the Edge Feature Principle. This was in part
>>developed in joint work with Aaron Halpern, and some discussion can also be
>>found in the published verison of his dissertation (Halpern, Aaron L. 1995.
>>On the placement and morphology of clitics.  Stanford: CSLI publications.).
>>The discussion was in a hybrid GPSG / HPSG framework, with feature
>>percolation principles a la GPSG, but valence features. It may still be of
>>use, however,

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