Movement's just another word for nothing left to merge

Carl Pollard pollard at
Tue May 31 22:01:08 UTC 2005

Hi Tibor, Detmar, and everyone,

If SLASH values inlcuded local information, then we might expect
to find, among those languages that mark extraction paths, some
languages that have different marking for different kinds of extractions,
e.g. a language where a verb inflects one way if its complement
contains an interrogative gap, another way for a relative gap,
and yet another way for a topicalization gap. Thus this architecture
(SLASH values having type local) predicts that this is not a possible
dimension of variation for gaps. Is this prediction right?

Also, if SLASH contained SLASH information, we should expect examples like
this to be good:

(1)  * Without reading __, I don't know how many reports Kim filed __.
       [my judgment]

where the gap after READING is supposed to be parasitic on the gap
after FILED. Cf.:

(2) Without using the Axiom of Choice, I don't know how many cool
    theorems Kim will be able to prove.

The point of (2) is just to show that what makes (1) bad is not the
long adjunct extraction, but rather the fact that it contains
parasitic gap.


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