Reference question

Andrew Carnie carnie at U.Arizona.EDU
Sun Feb 12 22:54:54 UTC 2006

Hi All,

I'm totally blanking on a reference here, who was it (and where was it)
that proposed that PSRs should be viewed as conditions on trees rather
than deriving them (was it Gazdar 77?).

While we're at it does anyone know who first proposed that PSRs were
bottom to top projection rules rather than top to bottom replacement

Arghghgh this is driving me crazy! I hate it when I can't remember simple
things like this.



	/ \			Andrew Carnie, Ph.D.
       /   \	  		Assoc. Professor of Linguistics
     	  / \    		Department of Linguistics
     	 /   \			Douglass 200E, University of Arizona
    	    / \			Tucson, AZ 85721
	   /   \
				Tel: (520) 621 2802  Cell: (520) 971 1166

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