[HPSG-L] question about sotware for drawing different syntactic representations

Fernando Carranza fernandocar86 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Dec 18 14:39:03 UTC 2014

Dear all, 

Does anyone knowany software to build trees with atribute value matrices, dependency relationslike in Hudson diagrams and relational structures like in Relational Grammar? Imean some specific software like tree form but extended in a manner that permit drawing other syntactic representation systems like thoseused in HPSG, dependency grammar and relational grammar and not only a generativegrammar one.  I know there is some stuffto work with in Latex, but I would like to have something more user-friendly andwhat-you-see-is-what-you-got to use for teaching, specially for teaching HPSG.

Thanks in advancefor any help

Fernando Carranza

Facultad deFilosofía y Letras 

Universidad deBuenos Aires

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