Plagirism again, please join the discussion on research gate

Gisbert Fanselow gisbert.fanselow at GMAIL.COM
Sun Mar 30 08:57:42 UTC 2014

Look at the odd subtitle of this book! A rare moment of honesty of Carmen

2014-03-30 9:33 GMT+02:00 Louise McNally <louise.mcnally at>:

> About this I can provide some information:
> >As for her university: Non of this stuff was peer reviewed (fortunately).
> I wonder how the university rates the output of their employees.
> This person is the equivalent of a tenure-track assistant professor. She
> will have to go through accreditation by a national agency in order to be
> able to apply for tenure. If she has not gone through that process yet,
> this information would obviously be useful to her university (getting it to
> the agency directly is not a simple process). I would be surprised if she
> were to get accredited without peer-reviewed publications, but there are
> many levels of peer review, and I'm not sure to what extent the agency
> requires publications in indexed journals as opposed to national level
> journals where the peer review process is not rigorous.
> Louise

Gisbert Fanselow
Linguistics, University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 23-24
14476 Potsdam
x331-977 2446
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