Northern Idaho Tribe to Receive Federal Tech Grant (fwd)

Phil Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Tue Jun 10 15:01:10 UTC 2003

Northern Idaho Tribe to Receive Federal Tech Grant
by AP, The Associated Press

Plummer, Idaho (AP) _ The Coeur d'Alene Tribe will use a $2.78 million
federal grant to provide broadband Internet service to schools, health
clinics and residents.

Coeur d'Alene Tribal Chairman Ernie Stensgar will accept the award
Monday from Hilda Legg, a rural utilities service administrator for the
U.S. Department of Agriculture Hilda Legg.

The grant is part of a $20 million effort by the federal agency to bring
broadband technology to rural areas and Native American tribes.

The Coeur d'Alene tribe will use its award to build a technology center
near the Tribe's headquarters in Plummer that will provide broadband
Internet service.

"Offering broadband technology service to tribal and other community
members is a bold and positive step forward for us," Stensgar said.

"It is in the best tradition of the Tribe to reach out to others, be
inclusive and forward-thinking and to provide this amazing technology
to a rural area which has largely been bypassed by corporate
providers," he said.

The broadband grant program will benefit 40 communities in 17 states.
Officials selected grant recipients from among more than 300

The Bush administration hopes to encourage economic growth with the

"Expanding the reach of information technology brings to the homes and
businesses of America's most remote rural communities new opportunities
for accessing education, health and economic resources," said U.S.
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman. "Placing the vast knowledge and
resources at the fingertips of a great number of Americans will bring a
new a world of information and opportunities."

Stensgar hopes the new technology center will be a springboard for
future growth.

"With this state-of-the-art infrastructure in place we can attract new
businesses which need this broadband capability, create jobs and
promote economic diversity and growth on the reservation," he said.

The grant was developed and submitted by the Tribe's Management
Information Systems Director, Valerie Fast Horse. For her, the new
broadband system is a matter of historical necessity.

"The difference between those with broadband and those without it is
comparable to those of our ancestors who had horses versus those who
did not," Fast Horse said.

"This is a great day for the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, and for all residents
on our reservation," Stensgar said. "Finally we have an onramp to the
information highway, and we will travel to a brighter future together."

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