ILAT re: re

Richard LaFortune anguksuar at YAHOO.COM
Sat Dec 18 19:25:53 UTC 2004

I think that would be ideal- I realize that I don't
know everyone on the listserve, so the occassional
unfamiliar name can make me hesitate opening it- a
couple of other listserves I am- or have been-on have
a little identifier, so if nothing else, I know it's
from ILAT, for example

--- phil cash cash <pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET> wrote:

> hi Richard,
> i have been thinking about adding an ILAT subject
> line.  for example,
> your email it might look like:
> Re: [ILAT] language funding considerations
> or some configuration like that.  if others are
> interested in seeing
> this happen just let me know and i will give it a
> try.
> phil cash cash
> UofA, ILAT list manager
> On Dec 18, 2004, at 7:18 AM, Richard LaFortune
> wrote:
> > PS  Phil: can we add a default 'ILAT' signature
> into
> > the subject line of listserve messages?  People
> > sometimes delete messages from unrecognized or
> > unfamiliar senders, particularly with attachments

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