Looking for translators

Anthropology Department jgross at OREGONSTATE.EDU
Fri Oct 28 23:01:30 UTC 2005

I just received the following message from my cousin who represents
indigenous children who turn up in Arizona. Can anyone help her?


Joan Gross
Professor of Anthropology
Oregon State University

Life in the detention centers is hectic.  We've been seeing a lot of
indigenous Guatemalans recently with very limited Spanish.  There's a
pressing need for competent (or at least willing!) interpreters in
indigenous languages to/from Spanish or English who can be available by
phone during the day to help us do intakes with the children detained here
in Phoenix.
Any help you can give locating people familiar with the following will be
greatly appreciated:
    Aquateco (Aguacateco?)
    Mam - different dialects
    Maya (? the kid insisted he spoke "maya")
We have contacts with Maya Vision in LA but if you know of others, that
would be great!  
Martha Rickey
Children's Attorney
Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project
300 S. Main St., PO Box 654
Florence, AZ 85232
tel. 520-868-0191 x 107
fax 520-868-0192

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