Wiradjuri Language resource launch (fwd)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Aug 21 16:40:58 UTC 2006

Wiradjuri Language resource launch

Monday, 14 August 2006

Parkes Shire library has acquired a number of books and CDs which form a
Wiradjuri Language resource.

The collection consists of a Wiradjuri Dictionary and kits on learning
Wiradjuri and Wiradjuri language songs for children of all ages.

It is hoped that this collection will provide out of school resources to
assist both students and adults who might wish to explore or learn the
Wiradjuri language.

Last Wednesday, the Wiradjuri Language resource was launched in front of
a crowd of approximately 100 people.

Guests included Deputy Mayor Cr Ken Keith, Cr Barbara Newton and elders
and members of the local Wiradjuri community. Stan Grant (snr) one of
the authors of the books was to be a special guest but he was unable to
attend because of illness so Dr John Rudder co-author accepted the
invitation to attend.

The launch was part of NAIDOC celebrations and was co-hosted by Parkes
Shire Library, Parkes Multi-Purpose Aboriginal Corporation and
Yoorana-Gunya Family Violence Healing Centre Aboriginal Corporation

Guests were welcomed by the sound of the didgeridoo played by Ron
Wardrop and were given the opportunity to place their handprint on
canvas as a record of attendance at the launch.

Gary Clarke from the Parkes Multi Purpose Aboriginal Corporation then
gave the "Welcome to Country" assisted by Taylor Williams from Forbes
North School who welcomed the guests in Wiradjuri.

Deputy Mayor Cr Ken Keith responded on behalf of the Parkes community
and spoke about the State Government's commitment to assist Aboriginal
communities in revitalising their languages.

He went on to quote from the Board of Studies Aboriginal Languages K-10
Syllabus document that "Aboriginal languages are fundamental to
strengthening the identity of Aboriginal people and their connections
to country.

Recognition of the interdependence of language, identity and land
underpins the syllabus.

`The syllabus recognises that these are the original languages of NSW
and are not available as the languages of communities anywhere else in
the world".

Noni Greenwood from Yoorana-Gunya Family Violence Healing Centre
Aboriginal Corporation and Michele Herbert Assistant Principal from
Forbes North Public School and co-ordinator of the Wiradjuri Language
Program gave a talk on the importance of the language program and
implementing it in the schools.

Cr Keith and Noni Greenwood then cut the ribbon to launch the resource.

Special guest Dr John Rudder spoke about the history of the project; the
difficulty of finding word lists and the compilation of a working
alphabet which was a true Wiradjuri alphabet.

He went on to talk about speaking Wiradjuri - how some sounds in
Wiradjuri do not have corresponding sounds in English and some sounds
in English do not have corresponding sounds in Wiradjuri.

Guests were entertained by the Wogambilla dancers from Peak Hill Central
School, who performed traditional Aboriginal dances and the students
from Forbes North Wiradjuri Language Program who performed a number of
songs in the Wiradjuri Language.

The afternoon concluded with afternoon tea with many guests staying on
to chat with Dr John Rudder about his work.

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