Akaka announces $1,784,150 in federal funds to go toward Native Hawaiian education programs (fwd)

phil cash cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed Aug 23 01:27:54 UTC 2006

Akaka announces $1,784,150 in federal funds to go toward Native Hawaiian
education programs

>From Sen. Akaka's office
8/22/2006 12:52:12 PM

Honolulu, HI - Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) today is pleased to
announce the U.S. Department of Education has awarded funds to the
Waianae District Comprehensive Health and Hospital Board, the Pacific
American Foundation, and College Connections.

Senator Akaka said, “I applaud the Department of Education for
recognizing the importance of Native Hawaiian programs that provide the
necessary incentive and support to develop initiatives that use language
and culture as learning tools.”

College Connections in Honolulu is being provided $197,543 for its
Native Hawaiian Scholars Program, which is a statewide project aimed to
prepare Hawaiian teens to complete high school and succeed in college by
combining academic support with cultural enrichment.

The Pacific American Foundation, also based in Honolulu, is being
awarded $496,443 for its Native Hawaiian at-risk youth and leadership
program. The Foundation is also receiving $520,504 for its Malama
Kaho`olawe: Native Hawaiian Culture-and Place-Based Curriculum
Addressing Math and Science project.

The Waianae District Comprehensive Health and Hospital Board,
Ho`olokahi, was selected to receive $569,660 in funding for the
development and expansion of its non-traditional educational programs
at the Waianae Health Academy.

"I congratulate those who make these programs possible and wish them
continued success in shaping our keiki to seek greater opportunities in
life for the betterment of their families and communities.”

Senator Akaka, a constant advocate of incorporating cultural values in
education, has introduced several bills this session in a continued
effort to highlight these educational interests. They include, S. 2674,
the Native American Languages Act Amendments Act of 2006; S. 1521, the
Teacher Acculturation Act of 2005; S. 1089, the National Foreign
Language Coordination Act of 2005; and S. 2450, the Homeland Security
Education Act.

For more information regarding these bills, please visit

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