Digital archives connect Indigenous communities to their past (fwd link)

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Fri Feb 8 16:55:47 UTC 2008

ABC News - Australia

Digital archives connect Indigenous communities to their past

By Anne Barker
Posted Wed Feb 6, 2008 7:11pm AEDT
Updated Wed Feb 6, 2008 7:23pm AEDT

Most of us take the family photo album for granted - a record, sometimes going
back for generations, of births and weddings and the memorable events in

Not for most impoverished Aboriginal communities.

For them, either there were no photos, or they were taken by missionaries or
white bureaucrats who took any photos with them when they left.

Now a project in Tennant Creek is helping to return a lifetime of photographs,
movies and songs that the local Warumungu people thought they had lost forever.

Full article link below:

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