
Ted Moomaw ted.moomaw at COLVILLETRIBES.COM
Tue Jun 3 23:21:21 UTC 2008


I have been working w/Lexique pro for about three months now,  I am
wondering from those who have utilized it to its full potential,  do
students refer to it often?

Mine has not yet been distributed, and I am wondering what your experiences
have been with others using it.  


I originally started working w/Toolbox,  and I was not adding conjugations
as seperate entries and when I transfered everything to LP I have been
adding them in seperately,  is that something not typically done? It seems
logical?  example; I was entering  (wik-  the root for see, and  -n  subject
marker for 1s,)  rather than what I now am also entering (wik-n  I saw
him/her or it.) as a seperate entry.   


As you can probably recognize I am not an accredited linguist, rather a
lover of my own Language, and I want to utilize these programs the most
effecient way possible that others may benefit.



Ted Moomaw

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