Looking for web-hosting

Cathy Wheaton chimiskwew at HOTMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 22 05:02:43 UTC 2011

It's not alot of space, but I am hosting all my recordings online to the 
public through Skydrive. I will just open another hotmail account if this 
one fills up, there is the option for both private and public access to 
Skydrive, mine is all set on public so anyone can download my recordings. 
You can store up to 25 GB for free and so far i have tons of space.

I know one linguist who was hosting recordings on a website but the info was 
moved and misplaced.

I am uploading recordings right now by converting to Youtube just for easy 
accessibility to the public. It's more free storage which may work for any 
recordings you think would be in high demand. I am adding text to these ones 
as learning resources.

Good work Dale, you are really making a difference! The Cree recordings I am 
working with now are now becoming tremendous learning resources so someone 
will access them like me someday who wants to work with them!

-----Original Message----- 
From: Dale McCreery
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 10:38 PM
Subject: [ILAT] Looking for web-hosting

I'm looking for a good place to host recordings from the Sgüüx̱s
language documentation project.  Ideally it would be a university, or an
institution that is going to be there for a long time, and also I think it
would be better if it were in Canada.

It would also be nice to have ftp access as we’re adding resources every
day.  Right now we have about 40gb of recordings, closer to one or two gb
once it is converted to mp3.

Can you guys suggest who I should contact, and do you have any other
general suggestions for issues related to web hosting resources that
should be considered?  Would be we better off hosting this ourselves, or
are there advantages to having our resources hosted by a university?

Thanks for your help,


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