Backyard Initiative update: Harvesting learning from the Dakota Language Revitalization Citizen Health Action Team (fwd link)

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Backyard Initiative update: Harvesting learning from the Dakota
Language Revitalization Citizen Health Action Team

December 06, 2011

Residents of seven neighborhoods in south Minneapolis (in the area
around Allina Health System’s headquarters) have been implementing
their ideas for health improvement for the past year with the support
of Allina and the Cultural Wellness Center. The Dakota Language
Revitalization Citizen Health Action Team (CHAT) was the first project
to be approved by the Community Commission on Health and the members
of this CHAT (made up primarily of Dakota community residents) have
been going through a reflection or harvesting process to pull out
their learning from their experiences and share it with the
Commission, with other CHATs, and with the community.

The Dakota Language Revitalization CHAT was formed out of the
recognition that the health of a culture is essential to the health of
a people and language is how culture and world view are transmitted.
The Dakota language is at a crisis point right now; one CHAT member
estimates there are only five fluent Dakota speakers left in the state
of MN. The vision of the CHAT was that Dakota children learn their
language at an early age, and their strategy was to start a day care
for young children where they would be immersed in the Dakota

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