NSU offers Cherokee language program (fwd link)

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Thu Dec 8 22:51:54 UTC 2011

NSU offers Cherokee language program

12/7/2011 8:14:24 AM

TAHLEQUAH, Okla. – In a cooperative effort between Northeastern State
University and the Cherokee Nation, the Cherokee Education Degree
Program allows students to major in the Cherokee language and give
them the capability to teach how to speak, read and write Cherokee.

“This cultural understanding opens all sorts of doors to careers, not
jobs,” said Dr. Leslie Hannah, director of the Cherokee studies and
language programs at NSU. “I make a distinct difference between jobs
and careers. A job is something one does for a check. A career is
something one does for life and these Cherokee language and culture
courses change lives and create lifelong learners who in turn become
life changers.”

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