Fw: Chevron in Ecuador: A Defining Moment

Rolland Nadjiwon mikinakn at SHAW.CA
Thu May 12 21:12:14 UTC 2011

Amazon WatchFrom: Amazon Watch 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 2:47 PM
To: Rolland Nadjiwon 
Subject: Chevron in Ecuador: A Defining Moment

            Dear Rolland, 

            In just under two weeks at Chevron's annual shareholders meeting, the oil giant's leadership will face tough questions from shareholders, the media, and the public now that the company has finally been found guilty of massive contamination in the Ecuadorian Amazon. 

            Chevron's executives will also have to face the Ecuadorians themselves. 

            Please watch and share this new video Chevron in Ecuador: A Defining Moment,
            powerfully narrated by Peter Coyote: 

            Make sure you also join our Stop Chevron: Defend the Amazon Cause!

            The communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon have fought tirelessly to demand Chevron take responsibility for its toxic legacy. With a court verdict in their favor, they now need our help to ensure Chevron isn’t able to use its political influence and seemingly endless resources to avoid paying for the cleanup, clean water and healthcare facilities the communities so desperately need. 

            Next week, three courageous Ecuadorian indigenous and community leaders will travel on behalf of more than 30,000 affected people to New York, Washington DC, and finally to Chevron's backyard in the San Francisco Bay Area to demand the company satisfy the judgment. Amazon Watch and our friends at Rainforest Action Network will be supporting them as we meet with reporters, lawmakers, shareholders, institutional investors, and supporters. Our job is to amplify their voices and continue building support for their effort to bring Chevron to justice, and we need your help. 

            Stay tuned – these leaders have opened their lives to us, asking us to help share touching personal stories with you through video, on our blog, Twitter and Facebook. They’re eager to keep you posted during every step of the way on their trip across the U.S. through an exciting new feature on Causes. 

            Together we can achieve justice and reach a historic milestone for corporate accountability that will benefit us all. 

            For justice in Ecuador, 

            Han Shan 
            Coordinator, Clean Up Ecuador Campaign 

             P.S. Don't forget to join our Stop Chevron: Defend the Amazon Cause as we bring our campaign to the next level and demand Chevron do the right thing. 
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