Facebook in your language?

Kevin Scannell kscanne at GMAIL.COM
Fri Feb 24 14:08:12 UTC 2012

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 5:57 AM, Richard Littauer
<richard.littauer at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> This looks great. I'm curious - does this not count as using a robot,
> spider, etc? Since it is not storing the data, it may not.

Hi Richard,
  As you probably know, the way this works is your install a script in
your local browser.  Your communication back and forth with
facebook.com is unchanged - from their perspective you're using the
site in English and in the usual way, like everyone else.  The
translation are "overlayed" once each page is loaded.

> Have you considered going through the Facebook dev API for this work? I'm
> aware it was not your project to start with.

I haven't - this works pretty well and has the advantage of running
entirely on the client side.

> I would like to translate a language into this, as well, if you wouldn't
> mind sending me the details about how to do so. I'm watching the Git - let
> me know if you have any areas on there that you want help with coding. I
> might be able to help.

Thanks! I'll definitely be in touch.


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