Stop, revive and survive (fwd link)

Phillip E Cash Cash cashcash at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Thu Jun 7 00:12:31 UTC 2012

Stop, revive and survive

From: The Australian June 06, 2012 12:00AM

LINGUICIDE (language killing) and glottophagy (language eating) have made
Australia the unlucky country. With globalisation, homogenisation and
Coca-colonisation there will be more and more groups added to the forlorn
club of the lost-heritage peoples.

Language reclamation will become increasingly relevant as people seek to
recover their cultural autonomy, empower their spiritual and intellectual
sovereignty, and improve wellbeing.

There are various ethical, aesthetic and utilitarian benefits of language
revival - for example, historical justice, diversity and employability,
respectively. There is an urgent need to offer perspicacious insights
relevant to language reclamation.

Revival linguistics is a new discipline, being established at Adelaide,
studying comparatively and systematically the universal constraints, global
mechanisms and local peculiarities and idiosyncrasies apparent in revival
attempts across various sociological backgrounds, all over the world.
Revival linguistics combines scientific studies of native language
acquisition and foreign language learning. After all, language reclamation
is the most extreme case of second-language learning.

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