grad programs in documentation

Claire Bowern clairebowern at
Wed Apr 30 14:01:36 UTC 2014

Just to add to Monica's last point, at Yale we also have a number of
students working on documentation, and documentary linguistics is
integrated into the rest of our program. However, we do not focus on
applied or pedagogical materials and I doubt that this will change in
the near future.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Monica Macaulay <mmacaula at> wrote:
> Wow, everyone, this has been wonderful!  My student is going to have his
> reading cut out for him, just getting through all the messages I’m
> forwarding him!
> It is definitely encouraging that there are so many good programs like this.
> Here at Madison we have a number of students working on documentation and
> revitalization topics, but so far no dedicated program for it.  But we’re
> hoping to be able to develop that down the road…
> - Monica
> On Apr 29, 2014, at 10:10 PM, nihgosnih . <renaewn at> wrote:
> I relate to Phil and I am thankful for all of your information! I teach
> Apache Language in my hometown and want to persue a degree. All the programs
> sound great again, Ahiyi'e!
> Kathy
> On Apr 29, 2014 7:21 PM, "Phil Albers" <palbers at> wrote:
>> yôotva puxích Kari and Judy! I will look into these programs and pass the
>> word on to other interested languagites!
>> It's inspiring to hear and be a part of such a growing and important field
>> such as Indigenous Languages.
>> chími.
>> Phil Albers
>> (541) 261-8005
>> On Apr 29, 2014, at 7:16 PM, "Judy Thompson" <jt at> wrote:
>> Hi Phil,
>> I know exactly what you mean!  It is hard for people to uproot their
>> family to attend university, especially if they need to leave their
>> territory, the very home of the language they want to revitalize.
>> I think the Master's program in Indigenous Language Revitalization at the
>> University of Victoria tries to find a middle ground with that.  The first
>> summer, the students need to be in Victoria for one month. After that, the
>> students return home (to teach, work with fluent speakers, raise families,
>> etc) and every two months, they travel back to Victoria for 6 days to do
>> course work.  For the rest of the time, I believe that they interact with
>> their professors and fellow students online and other modes of
>> communication.
>> I'm not affiliated with this program, but UVic is my Alma mater and I know
>> many of the wonderful people who are part of UVic's Indigenous Education
>> Program!
>> Judy Thompson, Ph.D.
>> Tahltan Language & Culture Lead
>> On 2014-04-29, at 6:52 PM, Phil Albers wrote:
>> Interesting topic! However what may the options be for one who cannot
>> really leave their homelands, or have children that aren't really able to
>> relocate? I have great interest and dedication to indigenous language
>> revitalization with an emphasis with family home life use. Which is partly
>> why I'm unable to actually pack up and leave to attain any significant
>> "western" credentials or furthering education.
>> Are there any options for someone such as me? (I also know of many in
>> similar situations). Just a thought.
>> yôotva,
>> Phil Albers
>> (541) 261-8005
>> On Apr 29, 2014, at 11:48 AM, "Monica Macaulay" <mmacaula at> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> One of our undergraduate majors was just in my office asking me for
>> recommendations for graduate schools to apply to.  He’s interested in
>> language documentation, and especially applications of documentary materials
>> for teaching.  I know we’ve talked before about how some of us (well, me at
>> least!) feel like training in those applied areas is really lacking.  I’m
>> writing to ask what you would recommend as programs that would be good for a
>> student interested in this.  The University of Hawaii is an obvious one for
>> documentation, of course.  But where else?
>> thanks!
>> - Monica
>> Monica Macaulay
>> University of Wisconsin
>> Department of Linguistics
>> 1164 Van Hise; 1220 Linden Dr.
>> Madison, WI  53706

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