20-year-old master of Salish language a strong proponent of Native language, culture (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 18:50:08 UTC 2014

*20-year-old master of Salish language a strong proponent of Native
language, culture*

ST. IGNATIUS – He has taught in the St. Ignatius schools, been vice
chairman of a school board, and co-founded a nonprofit on the Flathead
Indian Reservation – the Salish Institute – to promote healthy lifestyles
through the study of Native languages and culture.

His Yoyoot Skwkwimlt program – that’s Salish for “Strong Young People” –
has immersed teenaged tribal members on the reservation in their language
and culture.

He has spoken on the importance of non-Native foster families finding ways
to keep Native language and culture alive when they take in Indian
children, he has recorded the histories and stories of his tribe’s elders,
and has helped put together massive volumes of curriculum for teaching the
Salish language.

He has been invited to the White House and three times met the president of
the United States.

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