Should You Talk to Your Child in a Different Language? (fwd link)

Phil Cash Cash weyiiletpu at
Thu Oct 9 21:28:37 UTC 2014

OCT. 8 2014 1:23 PM

Should You Talk to Your Child in a Different Language?By Claire Bowern

New parents face a lot of pressures. Until I became a parent myself, I
didn’t realize the sea of conflicting advice that besieges parents on
everything from feeding strategies to whether you need a baby Jacuzzi.

One of the more important decisions is what language bilingual parents will
speak to their child. It’s natural to want the best for one’s child, and
also to draw on one’s own childhood in parenting, but what if you speak a
second language less fluently, one that you learned as an adult? Is it
worth speaking your less fluent second language to your kid?

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