Update on *nekw and the N-word

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at wxs.nl
Mon Mar 8 08:28:30 UTC 1999

>[ Moderator's response:
>  There is a serious mixing of levels here, in that a Romance-specific
>  development is being projected back to Nostratic, although other Indo-
>  European languages do not have this phonotactic constraint, e. g. Greek.
>  Before we can even accept it as a parallel, we have to determine what
>  the digraph <tl> represents in Bomhard, a unit phoneme or a cluster.
>  --rma ]

A unit phoneme, probably a lateral affricate (> Semitic *s', a
lateral fricative).

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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