Update on *nekw and the N-word

Glen Gordon glengordon01 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 8 20:12:06 UTC 1999

>>IE *nek-/*nok- "to bear, to carry, to convey"
>>     (I've never seen this root. Does anyone know?

>Avestan    fra-nas- = to bring;  (nas = to reach)
>Vedic      naSa:mi = to reach
>Greek      e:negkon, ene:nokha, etc all < e-nek- (aorist and perfect
>           forms of) to carry
>Old Norse  nest = provisions for a journey
>OCS        nesti etc to carry, bear, bring
>Lithuanian neSu etc.
>Latvian    nesu etc.

Hmm, thanx alot Miguel and Peter. Gee, I could be looney but wouldn't a
reconstruction of *?nek^- be in order rather than just *nek^- based on
the Greek form? Why the long /e/ for augment? If *?nek^- is correct,
then a connection with a Nostratic *nitl- becomes more and more unlikely
(as I should expect).

Glen Gordon
glengordon01 at hotmail.com

Kisses and Hugs

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