Can Parent and Daughter co-exist?

X99Lynx at X99Lynx at
Wed Sep 22 01:27:36 UTC 1999

In a message dated 9/21/99 7:58:57 PM, JoatSimeon at wrote:

<<because when Classical Latin was spoken in Latium, Tuscany spoke Etruscan,
of course.  Classical Latin in Rome segued into the Italian dialect of Latium
just as Classical Latin in Etruria segued into Tuscan >>

So, <<Classical Latin was spoken in Latium>>, <<Tuscany spoke Etruscan>> and
<<Classical Latin in Etruria segued into Tuscan>>.  So somewhere along the
line "Tuscany" spoke Etruscan, spoke Latin and spoke Tuscan.  None of this
answers my question.

I'll ask again.  How do you know that a recognizable Tuscan wasn't being
spoken in Tuscany at the same time Classical Latin was being spoken in Rome?
Do you have any real evidence either way?

S. Long

[ Moderator's response:
  Apparently none that you will accept.  I hereby call a halt to this branch
  of this discussion on the list.  Take it to private e-mail if you wish to
  --rma ]

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