Excluding data

Jens Elmegaard Rasmussen jer at cphling.dk
Sun Sep 26 00:21:26 UTC 1999

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Larry Trask wrote:

> Take any decent dictionary of English published around 1900.  How many
> of the words entered in it existed in Old English, only about 1000 years
> ago?  Not many.  Why should Basque be different?  (And the Pre-Basque
> I'm interested in dates back to about 2000 years ago.)

But take any dictionary of Icelandic and ask how many of its words existed
in Old Norse. The answer is, practically all! And it is probably a fair
statement that, adding proper sound changes, you may even push that back
to Proto-Germanic. I guess English and Icelandic are both relatively
extreme cases. Where Basque stands between the two poles must be looked
into with an open mind, as I suppose you have already done.


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