*gwh in Gmc.

Stefan Georg Georg at home.ivm.de
Tue Dec 12 10:24:27 UTC 2000

>In view of the existence of our sister-list, the Nostratic-List, and the
>work of many researchers including Bomhard's work, this statement is purely

It worked ;-)

>Instead of a priori judgments on his (and incidentally my) work (not to
>mention that of many others), why not try *showing* why Bomhard's and my
>IE-AA comparisons are worthless as evidence, switching to the
>Nostratic-List, of course, if you are up to it?

No, Pat, not again. Of course I acknowledge the fact that Nostratic
and other such proposals are being investigated by reasonable
linguists, and sometimes even defended by them. We've been through
this a thousand times on different fora.
However, and that's why I couldn't resist this little provocation, as
much as I'm willing to concede that the subject *may* be discussed
within the framework of reasonable linguistics, you should be willing
to accept that ay and others' negative attitude to N. is equally a
defendable position.

No, I won't go over all those "examples" again. As you know, but are
unlikely to admit in public, it usually amounts to wasting my time
showing that this, and that, and of course that "etymology" is
founded on faulty semantics, bad or non-existent attestation,
improper morphological analysis, sound-correspondences which are said
to hold on the basis of two examples (but ignored in 15 others),
clear (but never admitted) late inter-family loans aso. aso. aso. We
will fight over, say, ten etymologies, I will win (as always ;-), and
when I finally bring you to admit that they were not good, you'll say
that there are thousands, or zillions of others.

No way.

And, of course, not on this list (but also not on the other one, no,
not again ;-)..

You'll have to live with the fact that some people, like me, *know*
that N. is unfounded, but I'm tired of trying to convince the
believers. Look and see yourself, as hundreds of others who started
out as believers have seen before you ...


Dr. Stefan Georg
Heerstraße 7
D-53111 Bonn
Tel./Fax +49-228-691332

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