Dating the final IE unity, in particular the word for "horse"

Stanley Friesen sarima at
Wed Mar 29 05:06:17 UTC 2000

At 10:43 AM 3/28/00 +0530, Gábor Sándi wrote:

>Suppose the English word didn't exist: what would the Germans have called
>"television"? There are not that many semantic alternatives to "Fernsehen",
>are there?

Actually, I can think of several (my German is a bit rusty, so I may have
some morphemes wrong): "Ansichtwerfer" (= "picture transmitter") seems
reasonable.  Some derivative of the word for 'radio', say "picture-radio"
would also work.  Or one could have "movie-box" or "picture-box", or ...

[Well, I switched to English, but I think the idea is clear].

May the peace of God be with you.         sarima at

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