Urheimat animals

Xavier Delamarre xavier.delamarre at free.fr
Thu May 10 17:04:12 UTC 2001

le 7/05/01 19:46, Rich Alderson à alderson+mail at panix.com a écrit :

> there was a paper I read in pre-print on the salmonid fishes of Europe and
> Asia which concluded that the salmon of Thieme's work is not the only
> candidate for the referent of the PIE etymon *lok'so-.  (I apologize for
> being sketchy on the details, but it was 25 years ago, and being passed from
> hand to hand among a group of graduate students.  If anyone can identify it,
> that would be very helpful.)

> Rich Alderson

Some literature on the IE salmon (your ref. must be Diebold) :

- Thieme, P. : Der Lachs in Indien, KZ  69 (1951).
- Rudnicki, M. : Wartosc nazw drzewa bukowego, lososia i rdzenia lendh- dla
wyznaczenia prakolekbi (praojczyzny) indoeuropejskiej i slowianskiej, BPTJ
15 (1956), 127-137.
- Krogmann, W. : Das Lachsargument, KZ  76 (1960), 161-178.
- Krause, W. : Zum Namen des Lachses, Nachrichten der Akademie der
Wissenschaften  in Göttingen, Phil.-hist. Klasse,  4 (1961), 83-98.
- Lane, G.S. : Toharian : I.E. and non-I.E. Relationships, in Cardona et
Alii (eds) Indo-European and Indo-Europeans, Philadelphie 1970, 82-83.
- Van Windekens, J.A. : L'origine directe et indirecte de tokharien B laks
'poisson', ZDMG  120 (1970), 305-307.
- Mäntylä, K. : Lachs, Orbis  19 (1970), 172-174. [nom du saumon en i.e. et
en finno-ougrien].
- Diebold, A.R. : Contributions to the Indo-European Salmon Problem, in
Current Progress in Historical Linguistics  ed. William Christie Jr.,
Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, 1976, 341-388.
- Adams D.Q. : PIE. *loKso-  '(anadromous) brown trout' and *koKso-  'groin'
and their Descendents in Tocharian : A Coda to the Lachsargument, IF  90
(1985), 72-82.
- Diebold, A.R. : The Evolution of Indo-European Nomenclature for Salmonid
Fish : The Case of 'Huchen' , Washington 1985, (JIES  Monograph Series, 5).
- Stalmaszczyk, P. & Witczak, K.T. : Tocharica I-III. II. Kuchean laks
'fish', IF  98 (1993), 32-34.


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