PPVT as a measure of language impairment?

Maria Mody mody at balrog.aecom.yu.edu
Sat Apr 24 00:17:42 UTC 1999

	I was wondering if anyone has information as to the sensitivity of
the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (or any similar receptive vocabulary
test) in detecting language impairments in children?  It is often included
in a battery of tests administered to children, and so my questions are:
1. how often does it expose a problem, when used with language-impaired
children ?
2.What do the scores look like, i.e. are they just at the low
end of the normal range (85-115) or are they below normal and by how much?
3.Also, how do children with expressive language deficits score on it:
"healthy" normal or "low end of normal" range?
	Any insights and references would be appreciated. Thanks.

Maria Mody, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

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