Teletubbies in Israel

Michal Avivi michav at
Sun Dec 19 08:33:49 UTC 1999

Thank you for your reply.
Yes, the TT have been dubbed into Hebrew. Like in every other country,
it's a huge success among kids (and not so very young, too!).
I am not a very keen viewer, I've watched it a few times with my 13 months
old daughter, but to your question -
To my impression, the phonology is adult-like, though there are some
supra-segmental variations (Po's talk is whisperish). BUT - syntactically
it is totally not adult-like. It's some sort of telegraphic talk, but
inconsistent. Sometimes they omit some of the syntax parts, at other times
(rarely) they chose to use them. I don't think the syntax of the
Hebrew-speaking TT resembles that of Israeli toddlers.

Michal Avivi
School of Education
Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv 69978

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