uccellpa uccellpa at
Mon May 1 15:23:09 UTC 2000

Text in English

Dear colleagues,

As part of an ongoing project we are reviewing studies on the acquisition of
Spanish. An initial goal of this project is to publish a bibliography on the
acquisition of Spanish as a first language up to the year 2000 in the
CHILDES/BIB.  (A previous bibliography was published by Rodriguez & Berruecos,
1993. The main contribution of our list will be to provide references from the
last decade.)

If you do research on Spanish acquisition, we would appreciate your help in
sending us references of your work (published or unpublished) to insure that
the final version of the bibliography is as representative as possible of the
work being done in this field. We have already compiled a large list of
references up to 1996, but are still looking for studies that:

focus on ORAL language (production and comprehension) acquired by monolingual
normally developing children.

were (or will be) produced between 1996 and 2000.
We have an additional request related to a specific area of study: LEXICAL
DEVELOPMENT. We think that there is more  work done in this area than the
references we have collected so far. So, we would also need your help with:

references to research on LEXICAL DEVELOPMENT produced in the last decade.

Please, send your references and any other relevant information to:

mshiro at
uccellpa at

Thank you very much for your help,

Rebeca Barriga-Villanueva
Claudia Ordonnez
Beatrice Schnell
Martha Shiro
Catherine Snow
Paola Uccelli

Paola Uccelli
Harvard Graduate School of Education
308 Larsen Hall
Paola_Uccelli at

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