book-sharing and preschool children with language impairments

Kim DesBarres annkiddy at
Sun Jan 28 16:57:06 UTC 2001

Dear Info-Childes members,

First, a thank you to those who responded to my inquiry about book-sharing
and preschool children with language impairments.  I received valuable
references from Judith Vander Woude, Diane Pesco, Mary Ann Evans, Natacha
Trudeau, and Roma Chumak-Horbatsch.

Below, you will find the references I've gathered:

Armstrong, M., & Pruett, A. (2000). Shared reading: A comparison of children
with language impairment and normal language abilities. Paper presented at
the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, DC.

Bradshaw, M. L., Hoffman, P. R., & Norris, J. A. (1998). Efficacy of
expansions and cloze procedures in the development of interpretations by
preschool children exhibiting delayed language development. Language, Speech
& Hearing Services in the Schools, 29(2), 85-95.

Crain-Thoreson, C., & Dale, P. S. (1999). Enhancing linguistic performance:
Parents and teachers as book reading partners for children with language
delays. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 19(1), 28-39.

Crowe, L. K. (2000). Reading behaviors of mothers and their children with
language impairment during repeated storybook reading. Journal of
Communication Disorders, 33, 503-524.

Dale, P. S., Crain Thoreson, C., Notari Syverson, A., & Cole, K. (1996).
Parent-child book reading as an intervention technique for young children
with language delays. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 16(2),

Evans, M. A., & Schmidt, F. (1991). Repeated maternal book reading with two
children: Language-normal and language-impaired. First Language, 11,

Ezell, H., & Justice, L. (1998). A pilot investigation of parents' questions
about print and pictures to preschoolers with language delay. Child Language
Teaching & Therapy, 14(3), 273-278.

Fey, M. E., Cleave, P. L., Ravida, A. I., Long, S. H., DeJemel, A. E., &
Easton, D. L. (1993). Two approaches to the facilitation of grammar in
children with language impairment: An experimental evaluation. Journal of
Speech & Hearing Research, 36(1), 141-157.

Hargrave, A. C., & Senechal, M. (2000). A book reading intervention with
preschool children who have limited vocabularies: The benefits of regular
reading and dialogic reading. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 15(1),

Hoffman, P. R. (1997). Phonological intervention within storybook reading.
Topics in Language Disorders, 17(2), 69-88.

Kaderavek, J., & Sulzby, E. (1991). Issues in emergent literacy for children
with language impairments (CIERA Report #2-002): National Institute on Early
Childhood Development and Education.  (can be downloaded at

Kaderavek, J., & Sulzby, E. (1997). Oral narratives and emergent
bookreadings of typically developing and language impaired children. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference,
Scottsdale, AZ.

Kirchner, D. M. (1991). Reciprocal book reading: A discourse-based
intervention strategy for the child with atypical language development. In
T.M.Gallagher & N. Rees (Eds.), Pragmatics of language: Clinical practice
issues. San Diego, CA: Singular Group.

Mogford-Bevan, K. P., & Summersall, J. (1997). Emerging literacy in children
with delayed speech and language development: Assessment and intervention.
Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 13(2), 143-159.

Paul, R., & Smith, R. L. (1993). Narrative skills in 4 year-olds with
normal, impaired, and late-developing language. Journal of Speech and
Hearing Research, 36, 592-598.

Pelligrini, A., Brody, G. H., & Sigel, I. E. (1985). Parents' teaching
strategies with their children: The effects of parental and child status
variables. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 14(6), 509-521.

Ratner, N. B., Parker, B., & Garner, P. (1993). Joint book reading as a
language scaffolding activity for communicatively impaired children.
Seminars in Speech and Language, 14(4), 296-313.

Scheffel, D. L. (1985). An investigation of discourse features of
mother-child verbal interaction with normal and language impaired children
in the context of story reading. Northwestern U.

Schneider, P., & Hecht, B. F. (1995). Interaction between children with
developmental delays and their mothers during a book-sharing activity.
International Journal of Disability, Development & Education, 42(1), 41-56.

Tyler, A. A., & Sandoval, K. T. (1994). Preschoolers with phonological and
language disorders: Treating different linguistic domains. Language, Speech,
and Hearing Services in Schools, 25, 215-234.

van Kleeck, A., & Vander Woude, J. (1999). Conversations between parents and
children with delayed language during book sharing. Paper presented at the
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, San

Vander Woude, J., & Barton, E. (in press). Specialized Corrective Repair
Sequences: Shared Book Reading with Children with Histories of Specific
Language Impairment.

Wagner, C. R., Nettelbladt, U., Sahlen, B., & Nilholm, C. (2000).
Conversation versus narration in pre-school children with language
impairment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders,
35(1), 83-93.

Yoder, P. J., Spruytenburg, H., Edwards, A., & Davis, B. (1995). Effect of
verbal routine contexts and expansions on gains in the mean length of
utterance in children with developmental delays. Language, Speech, and
Hearing Services in Schools, 26, 21-32.

Kim M. DesBarres, M.S., CCC-SLP
Doctoral Student
Child Language Development and Disorders
School of Human Development and Communication Sciences
University of Texas at Dallas

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