
Martha McGinnis mcginnis at
Mon Sep 24 18:49:24 UTC 2001

Dear Info-Childes members,

The attacks on the US and subsequent events are of course of great
interest to us all.  I am personally receiving almost more daily mail
on these issues than I can read, and I'm sure many other subscribers
are in the same position.  However, I hope people will understand
that the Info-Childes list is not meant for this purpose.  There are
many discussion lists devoted to these current events, and I
encourage interested parties to seek them out.

Dr. Martha McGinnis, Assistant Professor
Linguistics Department, SS 820 University of Calgary
2500 University Dr. NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4 CANADA
phone: (403) 220-6119, fax: (403) 282-3880

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