
Carolyn Chaney cchaney at
Thu Dec 4 23:44:43 UTC 2003

Hooray for NIH and Info-childes.  What good news.

Carolyn Chaney

On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, Brian MacWhinney wrote:

> Dear Info-CHILDES,
>   I am happy to announce that NIH has told me that they will be funding the
> CHILDES Project for five more years.  Actually, I was pretty sure that it
> would be funded after receiving glowing evaluations on the "pink sheets"
> back in late June.  However, NIH told me that nothing would be official
> until now, so I decided to wait on announcing this.  Without a doubt, the
> crucial factor in the extremely positive NIH evaluation was the fact that I
> was able to submit 300 letters from all of you detailing how you have been
> using the data.  So, thanks once more for all your support.  I hope we can
> all continue using these data to learn still more about the remarkable
> process of first language acquisition.
> --Brian MacWhinney

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