Baby diary' on a French King

MT Le Normand lenorman at
Mon Feb 17 17:33:19 UTC 2003

I got this journal from La Sorbonne Library at Paris V, a german book
published in 1985

Ernst, Gerhard (1985) Gesprochenes Franzoesisch zu Beginn des 17
Jahrhunderts, Direkte Rede in Jean Héroards "Histoire particulière de Louis
XIII" (1601-1610), Tubingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag, X-623pp.

There are also other relevant references you can find in library about this
Ernst, Gerhard (1989) le langage du prince. In Foisil (ed), vol 1, 189-214

Foisil Madeleine (ed) 1989. Journal de Jean Héroards. Publication du centre
de recherche sur la civilisation de l'Europe moderne, 2 volumes, Paris,
Fayard (Vol 1, 1601-1608; vol 2, 1609-1628)

Gougenheim, H (1931) L'observation du langage d'un enfant royal au XVIIe
siècle. Revue de philologie française et romane, 43, 1-15.

As you see, Jean (Jehan) Héroard was Louis' personal physician. Born in
1551, Héroard was fifty years old at the time of Louis' birth and kept a
daily journal of Louis's development from birth for 26 years, termnating
only due to Héroard's own death in 1628

Marie-Thérèse Le Normand


> De : Barbara Zurer Pearson <bpearson at>
> Société : UMass
> Répondre à : bpearson at
> Date : Mon, 17 Feb 2003 11:40:17 -0500
> À : MT Le Normand <lenorman at>
> Objet : Re: Baby diary' on a French King
> Dear Marie-Therese,
> I also remember seeing this.
> But how does one get hold of those diaries?
> How did you get them?  Are they published
> somewhere?
> What was the physician's name?
> Thank you.
> Barbara Pearson
> (Hi.)
> MT Le Normand wrote:
>> Is this the reference you are looking for ?
>> A Diary Study on the Acquisition of Middle French:
>> A Preliminary Report on the Early Language
>> Acquisition of Louis XIII
>> David Ingram and Marie-Therese Le Normand      352
>> BUCLD: Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language
>> Development, November 3,4,&5, 1995
>> Abstract
>> Early French was markedly different from Modern French. Among its
>> properties are that it was pro drop, allowed the inversion of verbs
>> and lexical subjects in questions, and had V2 word order. All of these
>> properties have been lost in Modern French. The process of how these
>> changes took place in Middle French have been speculated upon in Clark
>> & Robert (1993), but no language acquisition data have been brought to
>> bear upon them.
>> The possibility for examining questions such as these ones, as well as
>> others, has arisen with the recent discovery of a diary on the
>> language acquisition of Louis XIII (1601-1643). Louis's physician kept
>> a daily diary on his development from his birth in 1601 until the
>> physician's death in 1628. This paper is a preliminary report on the
>> diary, focussing on the entries for the first four years of
>> Louis'life. The central focus will be descriptive, i.e presenting
>> information on the general characteristics of the diary data. In
>> addition, some preliminary analyses will be presented on the nature of
>> Louis' language in relation to the properties of French which were
>> under change in Middle French.
>> Hope these informations will help
>> Marie-Thérèse Le Normand, INSERM
>> Laboratoire de Neuropsychopathologie du langage et de la cognition
>> Bâtiment Pharmacie, 3ème étage
>> Hôpital de la Salpêtrière
>> 47 Bld de l'hôpital
>> 75651 Paris Cedex 13
>> --
>> De : "Patrick Griffiths" <patg at>
>> Société : Beppu University
>> Répondre à : "Patrick Griffiths" <patg at>
>> Date : Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:41:09 +0900
>> À : <info-childes at>
>> Objet : 'Baby diary' on a French King
>> In the last year or so, I read something about a long-term
>> record on the development of a King of France (?Louis
>> XVI?) kept by his personal physician. I can't remember
>> where I read this and would very much appreciate pointers
>> from someone who recognises what I am fumbling for.
>> Thanks
>> Patrick Griffiths
>> Beppu University
>> --
> -- 
> **********************
> Barbara Zurer Pearson, Ph.D.
> Research Associate, Project Manager
> NIH Working Groups on AAE
> Dept. of Communication Disorders
> Arnold House 117
> UMass, Amherst MA 01003
> 413-545-5023
> fax:  545-0803
> bpearson at

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