EuroSLA 2007: Call for papers

Annabelle David annabelledavid at
Thu Nov 30 09:22:30 UTC 2006

EuroSla 2007


Call for papers


The 17th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association will be organized by Newcastle University, UK.


11- 14 September 2007 


THEME OF THE CONFERENCE: Interfaces in Second Language Acquisition Research


Plenary speakers


- Judith Kroll, Pennsylvania State University, USA

- Christophe Pallier, Cognitive Neuroimaging Research Unit, INSERM, Paris, France

- Manfred Pienemann, Newcastle University, UK / Paderborn University, Germany

- Natascha Müller, University of Wuppertal, Germany





Proposals for papers, posters and thematic colloquia on any aspect of second language 

acquisition research are invited. All topics in the field of second language acquisition 

will be considered. Priority will be given to abstracts that discuss the theme of the 

conference. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously and evaluated in terms of 

originality, clarity, and significance of findings and conclusions.


Each author may submit no more than one individual and one co-authored abstract. The 

paper must not have been previously published.


INDIVIDUAL PAPERS will be 30 minutes (20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for 



POSTERS are intended as a separate format for compact research reports.


THEMATIC COLLOQUIA will take place in a three-hour slot (parallel sessions). A thematic 

colloquium will focus on one specific topic and will bring together key contributions to 

the topic.


Submissions for papers and posters should include the following:


1. Title of the paper,

2. Name and affiliation of the author(s),

3. Abstract of 300 words (excluding references and the title),

4. First author's postal address,

5. First author's e-mail address,

6. Type of presentation intended: please indicate whether you would like your proposal to be considered for a paper, a poster or both. 





Submissions for thematic colloquia should be marked as such and should include the following:


1. Title of the colloquium,

2. Name and affiliation of the convener(s),

3. Abstract of 500 words explaining the rationale of the colloquium, 

4.  Abstracts of the individual presentations (including names of authors and 

affiliations) (300 words each),

5. Convener's postal address,

6. Convener's e-mail address,


-        All submissions will be confirmed by e-mail.


-        Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15 March 2007.




EUROSLA 17 will also include a doctoral student workshop which is intended to serve as a platform (and encouraging environment) for the discussion of ongoing PhD research (on any aspect of SLA). PhD students are invited to submit an abstract of a 15 minute presentation focusing on theoretical or methodological issues. Presenters in this category should send a copy of their presentation to the discussant one month before the conference. This will form the basis of the 15 minute feedback/ discussion session. 

The top 5 submissions will receive a prize consisting of free registration for the conference, a book of their choice to be presented publicly during the conference, and €200. 

Submissions for the doctoral student workshop should include the following:

1. Title of the paper

2. Name and affiliation of the author

3. Abstract of 300 words

4. Author's postal address

5. Author’s e-mail address



Language policy and publication of papers


Following the EUROSLA association policy, EUROSLA 2007 will be a multilingual conference. Presentation in any European language is acceptable. However, abstracts must be written in English. A selection of papers presented at Eurosla 2007 will be included in the 

EUROSLA Yearbook, published in English by John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Please send all submissions to: eurosla17 at 


- Deadline for abstract submissions:                   15 February 2007

- Notification of acceptance:                             15 March 2007


Conference website:   


EUROSLA 2007 Organization Committee, Newcastle University, UK

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