equipment recommendations

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Tue Apr 22 11:40:17 UTC 2008

Dear Jana,
    Just a couple more remarks on the video equipment issue.  First, I  
think that using transmitter mikes is a great idea.  In regard to the  
idea that some new cameras are not coming with audio input plugs, I  
can say that this is only the case for the very lowest end new  
equipment.  For example, there was a Panasonic hard disk recorder  
model for about $600 that didn't have one, but the slightly better  
model for $700 did.
   Peter is right that the mini-DV is still the most stable and well  
supported format.  He and Anna are right about the importance of  
avoiding the direct-to-DV recorders at all cost.  However, there is  
another new format coming out now that is worth considering.  This is  
the AVCHD format which provides exceptionally high definition  
recording in a very small unit with memory stick recording for about  
one hour on a memory stick.  The downside of this format is that you  
then have to master the software for compressing, but that software  
will become available more generally in the next year and there is  
already a great system for Mac.
    The CHILDES Project continues to test new equipment in this area  
and I continue to update my suggestions for equipment at 
   where this is all discussed in greater depth.

--Brian MacWhinney

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